Monday, August 11, 2014

The Start of the Project

Ok, so this is the first step in my new project: SaveTheCents. The Basic goal is to earn $1,000,000 from absolutely $0. Many people start projects on earning $1,000,000 using one method. Well this is different. I will start out simple, using any way possible to build up my savings account, including putting money back from my job, using online websites to get small amounts of money to put towards a larger amount. Eventually, the money saved will be invested in some type of way, and begin earning money on its own.

Every step of my progress will be posted on here and twitter. These posts will include:
*Signing up for money making websites
*How much I make from each website
*My savings account balance so you can see my progress
*What websites I recommend to others
*How I invest that money, whether it be low-return CD's, high risk stocks, or real estate
*How much I put into savings from my job
*How much I earn from Investments
*In Which ways I succeed to meet my goal, and which ways made lead me to fail

I am what I like to call a Jack of all trades. I am no expert in one field, however, I like to spend my time learning about different fields. I am creative and like to have several things going on at once. This is why I made this blog in the first place. I want the reader, whether you are a college student like myself or a stay-at-home mother, to be able to find ideas of enjoyable ways to make a little extra money. This money could be used to pay bills or to follow my path, Spend none unless it will make you more money.

Follow my twitter: @SaveTheCents

Also be sure to check out my about me section to learn more about myself!

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